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Mita Noriaki Gagaku Academy

Lectures and Workshops in Asia

   We give lessons of  Bugaku(舞楽) at various schools in order to train professional dancers.

   International talented dancers are growing up as good performers of GAGAKU. So, we sometimes have Gagaku performances together with them in various countries,  sharing the Asian treasure, GAGAKU.

2004 Korea, Japan, China

        Traditional court Dance Symposium(in Seoul)


2005 Japan and Korea "Koma-gaku" symposium

        (in both Tokyo and Seoul)


        1st Silk Roard Live Symposium in Tokyo

         Guset speaker: Prof. Wan Kefen


2007 Lecture at Beijing Dance Academy


2008 Adviser of Tang Dance(唐楽舞楽)

        at Beijing Dance Academy


2009 Adviser of Tang Dance

        at Hangzhou Normal University


2015 Lecture at University of Taipei Dance Dept.

2017 Workshop reader(Ranryo-oh Dance Lesson)

        Parformed Ranryo-oh at International Night

 in International Dance Day Summit 2017 in Shanghai


Narori workshop at Korean National University of Arts in 2014.

Ranryo-oh lesson at University of Taipei Dance Dept.

Ranryo-oh lesson at Hangzhou Normal University in 2009.

Ranryo-oh lesson at Shanghai Theatre Academy 2017.

Return to Asia project


by a dancer of Beijing Dance academy(2008)


by dancers of Hangzhou Normal University(2009)


by dancer of Korean National University of Arts(2009)

   Gagaku was born in each place in Asia. Then it was transmitted by Buddhist monk, students: envoy to the Tang Dynasty, visit person from Korea and China.

   For example, "Ranryo-oh"(蘭陵王), was made from the existed king of Northern Ch'I(北斉), when he took the field, the covered his beautiful face with dignified mask. And he won to the big army. People praised his success and made his music and dance.

   "Karyo-bin"(迦陵頻) is a heavens bird which has human's face in the Buddhist Scriptures. At the completion of the Jeta's temple, Karyobinga came from  the heaven and danced to the music played by Saraavati(妙音天).We can see Karyobinga at the fresco in the Tunhuang cave temple (敦煌莫高窟). These performances were brought by Buttetsu(仏哲):Cham's Buddhist monk. in the Nara period. Now we Japanese can perform these music and dances, however, almost all the origin countries lost their original performances. 


   We want to find these roots and return Gagaku to Asian people again. So now we are teaching Chinese and Korean people Japanese Gagaku and studying with researchers in Asian countries.

Hangzhou, China in 2009

   “Japan, China, Korea International Gagaku Symposium”


  In this event,  “Karyobin(迦陵頻)” was performed by Chinese dancer ( Hangzhou Normal University), and “Nasori”was danced by Korean dancer (Korean National University of Arts).

   That was the historic moment that the descendants of ancient Asian dancers acted the performances which their ancestor used to dance long before.

雅楽OfficeNoriaki ℡ 03‐3655‐8502 



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