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Mita Noriaki Gagaku Academy

Performance History -Mita NORIAKI and his colleagues-

 "Performing Arts Festival in Ishigaki"1993

(Performed Bugaku)

Royal Thai Embassy Tokyo,Japan 1993

(Performed Bugaku)

1st Japan festival in N.Y.Carnegie Hall  1995

(performed Bugaku "Ranryo-oh" and "Nasori")

Oguni International Culture Festival 1997

Gakushuin Women's College International Symposium 2001

(Gagaku Concert)

Nishogakusha University 2004

(Gagaku concert)

Japan-korea Friendship year 2005 "Komagaku"Symposium


Tokyo Marathon 2007 "Tokyo Marathon festival"

(Performed Bugaku)

Tamagawa Artline Project 2007

(Gagaku concert)

Tokyo University

Gagaku concert for foreign exchange students 2007

Mita NORIAKi solo concert "Hichiriki Night" 2008

(Gagaku performance & talk)

Japan,China,Korea International Gagaku Symposium 2009

Narita International Airport 2010

(Gagaku concert)

"Duo Dance Festival" in Seoul  2011

5 days performance

(Performed Nasori)


Gagaku concert "Restore Komagaku"

"RYU Dance Festival" in Seoul  2012

5 days performance

(Performed "Ranryo-oh")


Busan Chonga Association 10th Anniversary Concert

(Guest performance)

"Komagaku's Past and present” 2012.3

"Banshiki-Cho and Nokori-Gaku" 2012.6

Concert series of  A story that has been handed down in the ABE family

Mita NORIAKI 35th Anniversary Gagaku Concert 2013

East Aisa Gagaku Symposium in Tokyo 2013.12

ARCO Theater in Seoul KOREA 2014.9

Seoul World Ethnic Danc Rresearch establishment

(Performed Bugaku"Shunnhoden"(​春鶯囀))

Hokutopia International Music Festival 2014

Gagaku Concert in AMAMI,Kagoshima prefecture 2015

​Taipei Normal University

University of Taipei

Tainan University of Technology

National Taiwan University of Physical Education and Sport

Culture Anthropology of Dance Conference 2015

Traditional Music and Dance from Various: Research for  Inheritance,Innovation and Popularizing

(Performed "Ranryo-oh","Karyobin" and had workshops,Lectures)

Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul KOREA

2nd World Royal Culture Festival 2016

(Gagaku concert)

Shanghai Theatre Academy in CHAINA

International Dance Day Summit 2017 in Shanghai

(Performed Bugaku and had Workshops of "Ranryo-oh") 


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